Sunday, March 27, 2011

You Know What I Hate: Cross Walks

Seriously fuck cross walks. The idea of them is noble sure, a safe passage across an otherwise dangerous route. However in practice I notice more often then not these things are ignored all together. I can't even count the times I've almost been mowed over by some ass hat running a red light.

It seems like it happens in clusters. I'll have days where I barely even see a car. Then there's some days, like today for example, where every time I have to cross the street its a battle. Just for reference I cross the street 9 times to get to Bart from my house. No matter the time of day I'm not safe.

First there's the stop sign cross walks. Stop signs are good in theory but no one knows how to use them. 4 way stops are the worst. No one uses their blinkers so there's a big problem right there. You never know if someone is turning or not. Then you get those people who refuse to go till you walk. Sounds nice but its actually annoying because they usually sit impatiently in their cars sometimes inching closer to the line while you cross. Makes me nervous as hell. They could easily hit the pedal by mistake and plow over me.

Then there's buses, fuck buses. They have super wide turns and they never wait. I was half way through a cross walk today and some bus almost ran me over. I stopped and let them go, I'm not walking in front of a several ton death machine. I understand they have a need to get people places quickly but not at the expense of innocent bystanders. Hell who knows maybe bus driver is one of those stressful occupations, like mail man, and too long on the job gives you a lust for vehicular homicide.

Ah night time let's talk about that. This is the worst time EVER to walk. I almost died 3 times in one night once. Every major crosswalk I came up to people almost hit me. I was wearing a bright green sweater. I could understand if I was decked out in all black, though if your headlights are working it shouldn't be hard to notice a person no matter what they're wearing. Most of the offenders are women on cell phones or people texting while driving. Even if people have hands free devices they still drive like crap when they're talking too. It should be outlawed all together.

Have I mentioned red lights yet? Red apparently doesn't mean what it used to. Every time I wait at a red light at least 2 or 3 cars run it. This is fine you know its safe to walk after that, or it would be if the light stayed green long enough. You can't hit the button after the lights green and if you waited for all those cars it will tell you its not safe to walk by the time they're gone. Not that I need the button. Its obviously made for people with movement speed of a three toed tree sloth.

Maybe we should change red to green. I see more people stop on green then on red half the time. Maybe they're all color blind or foreign. Light sitters are more annoying when you're in a car though. What's annoying to a walker are those idiots who can't park. I had this lady drive up on half the sidewalk and almost hit me. First off she was parking illegally but apparently that was justified in her book. She had to use the mail box. I'm glad running over a pedestrian isn't important but getting your letter mail is. I hope they get a letter back that says "use email moron."

Whew alright that's it for this rant. I got some more on the way. One involves an age old debate and the other is about an email I received this morning...

Friday, March 25, 2011

You Know What I Hate?: Internet Advertisements

I get it the internet is a vast untapped market for advertising. It's a bold exciting new frontier! It's annoying as shit. The point of advertising is to raise interest in your product. When your advertisement is impeding my ability to access a web page all it does is piss me off. This started with pop up windows. Some smart ass programmer thought that was a good idea to have a window get in your way whenever you went to a page. But some smarter one figured out a way to block pop up ads. That person deserves a medal in my book.

"Well crap!" the advertisers say, "What do we do now?". "Why make banners of course! They stay at the top of the page or on the side and don't bother anyone.". This was enough for years but then..."Banners aren't annoying enough." "Yeah lets have them make loud annoying noises!" "Yeah and they also should expand to fill the whole screen even if the person doesn't do anything so when they try to click on stuff they click the banner by mistake and end up going to our web page!" Then end up closing it and giving that company the metaphorical middle finger. Call me fickle but when that happens I put that company on my shit list. That stuff just gets on my nerves.

The best though is this new fad with ads on videos. I get it but when the video is less then a minute watching a 30 second ad beforehand is just pointless. My favorite though is when they put ads before trailers. I have to watch an ad before I get to watch another ad. What a paradox! Seriously someone wasn't thinking on that one. It's always some stupid car commercial too. Lately it's been this ad for Alienware computers. It has some nerd pretending he's in a game shooting things. It's always 50 decibels louder then the video you're trying to watch so it blows your ears out before you have a chance to mute the damn thing. What sucks is I love Alienware, I have one, but that's happened too many times for me to forgive!

You ever seen that survey crap? Even stuff as basic as news reporting websites have these now. News sites! I have to look at ads to check out the latest news. It's always a pop up that happens in the middle of the window and you have to X it out before you can see anything on the page. Half the time they put the X in some awkward spot so you end up clicking the ad anyway. Of course you're in a hurry to so the chances of you not clicking on it are slim.

I can't wait for the future. I mean what's next in advertising? I got one, how about digital glasses? Yeah you know people who wear glasses or sun glasses. You go outside and every time you walk past a billboard an ad starts playing really loud next to your face. There's no way to adjust the volume and on the lenses it flashes images that distract you. That way we can get run over or crash your car because seeing ads is so damn important. Or how about a toilet where before you can use it you gotta watch an ad? It has this metal lock on it that won't come up until the ad is over. Then when the lid comes up you see the guy before you pissed all over the seat, probably in protest, and your prospects to take a crap are put off further by having to sit through another ad.

That's the problem with ads. They're just a minor annoyance at first but anyone who spends extensive time watching online videos or even browsing will run into 4 or 5 of them every page they go to. Imagine you watch some short videos, like 5 for example, and each one has a 30 second ad. You just watched the same ad for 2 and half minutes. You're overall viewing time could be as low as 5 minutes so you spent half the time watching ads as you did videos. One of the major points of user made content is not watching 5 million ads. That's what TV is for damn it. It's bad enough they have ads in video games now what's next? They make you watch an ad before you can play? You know it's probably not far off.

So that's my little rant about ads. You know the major reason I stopped watching TV, and cable all together, is because of ads. If I want to watch shows I'll watch them on DVD, at least those ads I can skip, most of the time...

Thursday, March 24, 2011

You Know What I Hate?: People Who Stand on Escalators

What is with this? People who live or commute into the city daily have probably witnessed this. The rule has always been stand on the right walk on the left. How this confuses and baffles people is beyond me. It's unwritten, no sign is needed. Are people that stupid? You see everyone else standing on the right side and people walking on the left side. So logically one would assume the right is for lazy idiots who apparently think the escalator was invented so they didn't have to walk up a flight of stairs and the left for those who know its true intention, to get up the stairs faster.

My finding standing on the escalator lazy aside if you must why would you block those in a rush? I notice there's 2 main types of people who do this. The biggest offender is tourists, of course. They stand there with their luggage taking up the whole thing. Putting their bags in front of them would be out of the question.  They also see a need to stand right next to each other so they can talk while riding the escalator. Riding, fucking riding the escalator. Something created as a simple convenience to help expedite the commuting process has now turned into something we RIDE. Only in America would we do such a thing.

Back on topic couples are the worst. They gotta hold hands and make out. Of all the places to do it they have to pick here. Again a place of expedited travel. It'd be like making out during a marathon. Anyways that's tourists but there's still another group. Before I mention this I want to lay out a disclaimer. No I'm not racist I'm making an observation based on experience. Anyone whose spent extensive time in San Fran has ran into someone similar to who I'm about to mention.

The rude African American man. So in my case he had a cane, clearly had to stand and still chose to use the left side for standing, right in front of me, halting all traffic on the escalator. He purposefully pushed in front of me to get there just so he could stand in my way. After we get off he pretended to walk into a girl and then proceeded to grope her while apologizing. Then on my way home another man did something similar. He was walking out of my path when he noticed I was headed for the Bart stairs. He looks at me and then walks right in my way so I have to go around him or stop for him. He smiled while he did it too so it wasn't an accident. I know Caucasian people did horrible things to African Americans in the past but do we really need to harbor the grudge? All the extra hate gets us nowhere. Course around SF you see that crap all the time. The homeless can be especially pushy, and prone to shouting. I really don't need an aggressive guy yelling at me because I don't carry change.

Then there's the teenagers, oh the teenagers. They all come dressed in their retarded rave outfits. Sporting glow sticks and enough E to fry a sperm whale's brain like an egg. They're rude as hell. They litter, they treat clerks and waitresses like crap, and they're annoying. Its like they have no idea how to act in public. They always ride the rail on the escalator. Its not a seat! I always hope one of them falls off and cracks their head on the marble floor below. Malicious I know but they really get on my nerves.

Earlier today when I got off Bart the escalator was closed. I thought “Oh no! What will they do!” The amount of foot traffic was around half what it normally is. Everyone else opted to use the working escalator on the other side of the platform. You usually take this one because the exit you need is closer to here. I guess walking extra distance on level ground is better then walking up a flight of stairs, lazy asses. Then there's stations like Colma with no escalators going up. So everyone has to walk and of course then you get the people who can't handle the stairs. There is an elevator and obviously they should be using it. Seriously they walk up the steps like retarded penguins. Waddling back and fourth and usually hitting me with whatever bag they have. One guy almost tripped me by hitting my back foot with his lunch box.

Man I'm getting off track. Time for some closing statements. Escalators are for walking, not standing. If you must stand to the right and let us people who have things to do get by. If you can't handle the stairs use the damn elevator!

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

You Know What I Hate?: Bad Teachers

You know ranting has become one of those things I miss doing. You'd think an act that in my case is typically driven by anger wouldn't be so fun. I don't always have to be mad to rant, just annoyed by something.

Today that something is lazy ass teachers. This is broad because teachers can be lazy in so many ways. Those of my readers who aren't in college yet have no idea. Sure high school teachers can be annoying too but college is even worse. College professors get paid more then high school teachers and the money they're being paid with is yours. Your cash goes into their pocket and their laziness tends to piss you off more then it normally would. College is also it. Your last line of education before you go into the real world and get yourself a job. You want to learn in college so when you're not getting what you need out of a class you paid 2,500 bucks for you tend to get a little sore.

So what are some ways a teacher can annoy you? Well inconsistent directions for one. Who here has had that teacher who assigns something but never accurately explains it? Or the famous “Check the syllabus” answer when they haven't been following it the entire quarter? I want a break down of what I'm being graded on, how it's to be presented, and what expectations are. I don't want vague examples of past students work or to be told “I'll type one later”. When I hear that it says to me “not much thought has gone into creating the assignment” and you obviously pulled it out of your ass. I've had teachers do this. They want to be like a real teacher and assign homework but they put no work into structuring the class so instead they pull this assignment out of thin air. I love the blank expressions on their faces while they try and think of something. That's when I know it wasn't planned and they just made it up on the spot. With this method we have no idea what we're being graded on we just have this vague outline of what to do.

So then we ask questions. “Email me.” Okay so I do and I never get an answer. Some of them like to do this cute thing where they email you the day of class or an hour before. That's just cruel. If you can't properly create an assignment and rubric to go along with it you shouldn't be having us do it. I think all teachers should have to do their own homework before they assign it. Same with books. I can't count the times I've been assigned a shitty book and the teacher later apologized for it. “Derp sorry I should have read it first.”. Gee you think? I mean the book only cost 100 bucks. I got money to waste. Since it sucks so hard you won't be using it again which means the school will no longer be selling it or accepting buy backs. I have so many books I can't do anything with because they're worth peanuts and I refuse to sell a 100 dollar book for 5 bucks no matter how crappy it is.

You know what else gets on my nerves? When they grade papers. I swear sometimes they only read them once. I can't count how many times I've read a comment on one page such as “You should address this.” Only for me to have actually addressed it on the next page. Pay attention you lazy asses. Is it that hard to keep the pen at bay until you finish the paper? I know being a teacher at a art based college is so taxing and all. I mean we only have the easiest general ed available. I love that too. When teachers for general ed classes think they're at a university or something. I had this one teacher for Statistics who gave this speech the first day of class about how seriously he takes the subject matter and he expects us to as well. I'm sorry am I here to be a boring data annalist or a filmmaker? When push comes to shove which class do you think I care more about, this one or something actually pertaining to my major?

That's another thing my school treats us all like a dollar sign. We're a consumer school run and owned by a team of lawyers. So because I'm treated like a customer and not a student I treat them like a corporation and not a school. They don't like that very much. I actually had one teacher try and make me sign a contract that said in so many words “If I don't like this class or aspects about I'm not allowed to complain.” Sorry but if you do a shit job teaching I have every right to complain about it. I left that class pretty quickly. That teacher was obviously nuts. They also wanted us to read one book every week. I forgot I was majoring in English. It was a Science class too which was the funniest part. I'm not going to be a Biologist either. They really need to curb these general ed teachers. They go a little too crazy.

Example, we had this one teacher who accused me and my friend of copying each other. We had to write poems and we used similar rhythm schemes. The hilarious part was it was a scheme they taught us. The part that really annoyed me was they accused us in front of the entire class in a manner I personally found to not only be insulting but unprofessional. When we defended ourselves they rudely told us to shut up and wouldn't let us finish a sentence. So we complained to their boss who defended them tooth and nail and basically told us to deal with it. The boss's reason “Their a published author.” Wow so all I gotta do is get two books published and I can do and say whatever I want? Awesome! The best part is both books are pretty buried and you can't even find them on Amazon, published author my ass. The teacher taught a Creative Writing class. Part of being creative is having imagination. Besides writing poems every assignment we got after that involved writing out something that actually happened to us. I'm sorry but am I missing something here? Fiction is the most creative form of writing and you're flat out banning us from doing it? Retarded is the only word that comes to mind.

What was also retarded is how they treated us during finals. My friend and I got into it with them again. We both wrote stories about our Moms for the final assignment, which was to write a story about a dramatic event you experienced. Apparently our stories were too similar. Except in his he finds his Mom dead and mine had to do with my Mom being a loser drug addict. I see one similarity and that's a stretch. We didn't even have a similar writing style. That teacher clearly just didn't like us. I'm sure their boss, who was quick to lick their toes, told them we complained about them. I'm really waiting for the day I completely lose it and go to the dean of the entire school about some of this crap.

Speaking of I almost did once. I had a class where we were had to shoot a PSA. Our group chose to shoot it at night after class. So during class we picked up a Uhaul and when we got back our teacher scolded us like we were 10 year olds. Again this was in front of our peers and they even went as far as dropping our group leader a whole letter grade. I forgot the part where the teacher was my Mother and micromanaging me was part of their job. The stupid part was their argument for why we shouldn't have done it revolved around them giving us time to work on the project the night before. We only have class once a week. The dumb ass thought we were in their other class. Well even if we were it wouldn't make a difference, they're two separate classes and to be kept that way. Get your facts straight before chewing people out moron.

I hate that too. Chewing out the whole class because a few of us are lazy. I don't need a lecture because someone else did something stupid. Again we're not in elementary school and we're sure as hell not in boot camp. I'm here to learn and as far as I'm concerned we're all peers, teachers included. Until I see some credentials that say otherwise. I've rarely seen any work from any of my teachers. This tells me they're either embarrassed by it or they just don't think it's better then what we produce. The teachers who have shown me work have done amazing stuff and seem truly qualified to be teaching. The rest I question how extensive their knowledge is and the lack of examples proves that point in my book. It's not fair to assume someone is shit just because they can't prove otherwise but some of the things they say are completely wrong. I've proven several teachers wrong more times then I can count. My favorite is when I prove them wrong and then they turn around and take credit for my correction. Shameful really but if they want to be idiots and not fess up to it that's only going to hurt them in the long run. I stopped correcting them in hopes they will say something stupid on a job and it will reflect poorly on them.

I truly am ranting. And it's been going on for 2 pages now. If anyone has read this far I congratulate you. You probably have an entire psych profile worth the material here based on my college experience. This is just my issues with teachers I haven't even started with the school itself. That's for another day though. Thanks for reading.

Friday, March 18, 2011

You Know What I Hate?: Automated Phone Services and Companies With Poor Customer Service

Everyone hates these right? Well let me tell you a story, one you've probably all heard before. I ordered a product through a company who shall remain unnamed and they messed up my order. I ordered a program for Windows and instead of sending me an order confirmation they send me an email telling me my order was processed. So I don't find out until they send me a shipping receipt that my package is already on it's way and it's the Mac version of the program.
Okay first off maybe I'm old but remember the days when programs came packaged together for both systems? Did the option of two disks labeled Mac and Windows or a check box promoting you to tell the computer which OS you have confuse the user base so much they had to do away with this simple convenience? So now we have this problem where the non-morons order a program, the dealer screws up the order and you end up with something you can't use.

So how does the dealer respond to this error, which is clearly their fault? Before I move on I state it's clearly their fault because even if I didn't triple check before purchasing, which I do now for this exact reason, had they sent me an email confirmation with the product listed in it I would know the error existed before they sent out my package. I know horrible run on sentence but I'm ranting just go with it.

So they tell me this "Refuse the package." What? Refuse the package? I don't know about you all but 90% of the time a package comes I'm not home and they leave it sitting on my doorstep anyways. So that option is out of the question. I tell them that and they get snippy, "Well I guess you can return it." You guess? Wow I was unaware that simple returns were so alien to a company that deals online. You don't want an item refuse the package! Hell why not. I mean that doesn't sound totally shadey, or completely cheap on their part. I wouldn't even know how to go about doing such a thing. "No Mr. UPS guy I will not take your package, I refuse! Send it back." They'd look at me like I'm crazy, and an asshole. Now I have to pay return shipping which is complete BS. On top of that I have to wait until they receive the return package before they send me the right version. So I have around 3 weeks of waiting minimum before I get my program.

If that's not enough I ask them if I need to call again or if they will know to send me the Windows copy. I mean will they make a note in the system, do I have to tell them, are they psychic? Another snippy response "You can call and check in if you feel you need to." Well yeah I need to. Your warehouse can't even tell the difference between the words WINDOWS and MAC let alone me trusting some jerk in the customer service department will properly document my inquiry. That rides on a little too much faith given their current track record with me. I had previously ordered from them before, paid extra for 2 day shipping and they screwed me and took a week to send it anyways. Apparently paying 20 extra bucks to get something sent to you doesn't mean it's time sensitive or important you get it sooner rather then later. Their response that time was I still got it earlier then I would have had I picked normal shipping. Well lucky me. Maybe next time label the option "Slightly faster shipping, maybe." or hell maybe "Gamble, you might get it faster."

Anyways I had to jump through hoops to get a refund on my shipping. You might ask why I use them at all but when you're paying somewhere around $1,100 less then market value for software you deal with crap. And before you ask no it's not black market.

Well that's it for today. I had another incident but that ones apart of something really big. I'll save that for a rainy day, oh wait...